Biological agriculture

Passion for the Territory and Respect for the Environment


Canalotto's organic agriculture

The principle of well-being

Our well-being is interconnected to the well-being of ecosystems, as a unique and indivisible whole: one healthy land produces healthy foods that promote the well-being of animals and people.

The principle of ecology

Organic agriculture at Canalotto Farm is based on ecological and recycling processes. Cultivation and harvesting systems adapt while respecting the ecological cycles and balances existing in Nature.

The principle of Equity

Our Organic Agriculture is also based on relationships based on social justice at all levels and for all stakeholders - farmers, workers, processors and consumers - in the supply chain.

The precautionary principle

We manage organic agriculture in a prudent and responsible way, in order to protect health and safety well-being of present and future generations, as well as in order to respect the environment.

organic certification

Our products carry with them the guarantee of control and certification from an organization expressly authorized by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies:

Soil and Health – Control Body authorized by MIPA AFT – Controlled Operator n. 39908
